Burning sunsets and bloody endings…. the NAVIMAG

Again I wrote this a few days ago but we haven’t had internet access for a while so sorry this is a bit late…..

Navimag ferry

What a trip we had on the Navimag ferry. We boarded this cargo ship 4 nights ago with some new friends that we had met at a backpackers in Puerto Natales. We were really excited as the ship was not full and because we had paid for the bike as cargo we managed to get an upgrade so that we had our own tiny little cabin instead of an eight bed dorm room (which I was really happy about as I have developed a very low tolerance for other peoples stinky socks for some strange reason….)

The sunsets and sunrises were really spectacular and it also gave us some time to relax and catch up on some reading, route planning and sleeping. (Also eating as they gave us three full meals a day so Andrew was happy as he had a full tummy). It did rain on the one day and was cloudy so we missed out on some of the scenery. He scenery that we did see reminded us quite a bit about the fjordlands in New Zealand.

Morning scenery from the Navimag

We realised that neither of us has great sea legs but luckily we had some tablets so we managed to not have any disastrous events in the bathroom.

So why bloody endings…… So on the last day there was a young ”brit” tourist who has we think been brought up with the rough drinking culture, managed to get herself so intoxicated that she slipped on the deck and smashed her head open. She was in such a state and so disagreeable that four of the staff had to escourt her down to her bed. So blood dripping down her face she was escorted downstairs and we all thought that would be the end of it. In the evening we were playing a game of bingo and this same girl walks in…still intoxicated. She sat down next to her two friends and from where I was looking it looked like she was hassling a guy sitting next to her but I couldn’t quite see what was going on. The next second this guy jumped up, hit her on the head with his bingo board and then grabbed her by the throat and got ready to punch her. A whole group of people then jumped up and separated them. Her earlier wound had now been disturbed and started bleeding again so she had blood pouring down her face onto the ground for a secnd time. Everyone’s first reaction was that one should never hit a girl under any circumstances and that the guy was in the wrong. Then we got the rest of the story….

So it turns out that when this drunk girl sat down next to this guy (his wife was sitting on the other side of him) she was hassling him and was actually touching him in a very inappropriate place (As Andrew says” she grabbed his balls and squeezed, performing the Chillean version of the Nutcracker Suite and the Australian recipient responded with a well orchestrated etude……bingo bashing!”)

So hitting her was not right but one of our friends put it this way. How would we all have responded if it was a drunk man who had sat down next to a lady with her husband next to her. What would our response have been if this drunk guy had touched the girl instead. If this girl had turned around and hit him on the head with a bingo board would we have applauded her??

Definitely gave us something to think about.

Anyway here are a few shots of sunrise and sunset…..


Sunset on the Navimag ferry


Sunrise on the first morning

Categories: Uncategorized | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Burning sunsets and bloody endings…. the NAVIMAG

  1. Michael Kempen

    Beautiful photos!

  2. Deb

    Nice sunset shots. And we were hoping for some pictures of your new friends complete with bingo boards and the scene of the crime……

  3. Michelle K.

    Love the photos!

  4. looks like ” Kariba” with “ice” !!!
    Fantastic photos .

  5. Lawson

    Those sunsets and sunrises are magnificent , Your fellow travellers seem to have supplied the side show for the trip!!

  6. tracy

    amazing photos!!

  7. Alex Cluver

    sounds like an eventful ride! sunsets are magnificent though!

  8. Dingo Morrison

    typical…Aussies and Brits!!! says it all 🙂

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